Helpful tips to create your exceptional resume

In minutes, you’ll be on your way to creating a resume that will impress even the most discerning employer and put you ahead of the competition for that dream position!

Resume should be in chronological format:

The chronological resume (also referred to as reverse-chronological) format is by far, the most common resume layout in use. In using this format, the main body of the document becomes the Professional Experience section (previous work history), starting from the most recent experience going chronologically backwards through a succession of previous experience. This resume works to build credibility through experience gained, while illustrating career growth over time.

The outline for a chronological or reverse-chronological resume will generally follow this type of pattern:

  1. Name and address along with all contact information.
  2. Opening headline, objective or occupational title (this should be specific to the position for which you are applying)
  3. Professional experience as main body of the document including dates of employment and the type of company where you worked.
  4. A list of relative skills such as software, foreign language ability and equipment ability.
  5. Licenses or Designations held.
  6. Education

Use articulate and concise wording, try not to over exaggerate by adding in-depth details. Stick with a basic description of duties and accomplishments.

Be sure that format and fonts are consistent; try to avoid using unusual or small fonts that scanners, Optical Character Recognition software or fax machines may have a hard time reading.

The ideal presentation should include a cover letter, resume and reference sheet. Try to limit your resume to one page if possible. Your cover page should discuss the position you are applying for with a brief description of your relative skills and experience. Avoid using generic cover pages and be specific for each position you apply for.

Finally, you will want to spell check your resume. Be sure you are using words in the right context. Examples; accept & except, they’re, there & their, are & our or even too, two & to.