They want to interview you! Now what?
Congratulations! You got the interview! Now you must prepare so you can land your dream job. While the thought of selling yourself to your possible future boss may sound scary, if you follow these tips, you will feel confident in the interview which will lead to a successful meeting!
Do Your Research

First, you will want to spend some time learning everything you can about the company you’re interviewing for. A great place to start is the company website, which will offer you insight on the company in general and a peek into their company culture.
The more you know about the company the more confident you will be about where you are interviewing and will feel more prepared when asked questions during the interview about the opportunity.
PRO-TIP: Be careful to not base your opinion of a company solely on their online “reviews” If you take a look at a company’s reviews, take caution and take what is said with a grain of salt. Studies show that up to 20% of reviews are not authentic, and negative reviews for companies are often left by disgruntled employees or customers and may in all likely hood, not be based on fact.
Know the job
You will want to be sure you review the job description thoroughly, that way you will be able to tell your interviewer how you can fulfil the requirements and expectations. Focus on highlighting your accomplishments, milestones, and the goals you’ve achieved as a a talking point for each skill listed in the job description. Demonstrating that you understand the job and its requirements from the job description will help your answers our clients questions and build rapport
What Types of Questions You Should Prepare For
Another important thing to do when preparing for your interview is to understand why you want the position you are interviewing for and why you are qualified for it. You will also want to have answers prepared to the most popular questions asked by interviewers.
While you won’t be able to predict the questions your interviewer will ask you, it is important to expect to be able to answer these common interview questions. (click on common interview questions to follow the link) Having prepared answers will help boost your confidence.
In addition to preparing answers for probable interview questions, you will want to come up with a list of questions to ask your interviewer. Almost all employers will ask if you have any questions at the end of your interview and having thoughtful questions to ask will not only show that you interest in the position, but it will also offer you an opportunity to show that you researched the company and genuinely care.
What You Should Wear
Prepare your outfit ahead of time. Overall presentation is very important for your interview, whether it is in person or virtual. The last thing you want to do is be rushed trying to get ready which may result in you not looking your best or being late.

You will want to ensure your outfit is professional, but not too daring, and that it is appropriate, fits properly, and makes you look polished for the interview.
You always want to give the best first impression which includes:
- showering and brushing your teeth
- selecting professional clothes which are clean and wrinkle free
- taking the time to shave or trim your facial hair, or
- apply a conservative amount of make-up,
- style your hair however you feel your best.
It is always better to overdress than underdress. Make sure your clothing does not have stains, also ensure they are free of wrinkles. If you are second guessing your outfit, your instincts are usually right, so change your outfit to something more appropriate. Refrain from using cologne and perfumes, some people have allergies and you wouldn’t want your interviewer sneezing, it can also be a distraction.
What to Wear:
What Not to Wear:

Interviewing Virtually?

If you have a virtual interview, it is important to be prepared and make sure that your computer and link to the meeting are up and running prior to the interview. You will also want to be sure you are in a professional setting that is free of any noises and distractions. Be sure to test your camera and microphone prior to the meeting to make sure everything is in working order.
Interviewing in person?
Before you head to your interview, you will want to map out the directions and make sure you are on time, if not a couple of minutes early. Make sure you know where to park or map out parking near the interview. A good rule of thumb is to be no more than 5 minutes early as the interviewer may not be ready, and the last thing you want is the interviewer to feel rushed.
PRO-TIP: Be courteous to the receptionist, often times a decision to hire or not hire you may be made based on your treatment of the company’s staff.
Stand and smile when your interviewer greets you, and don’t put your hand out to shake theirs unless they put their hand out first. Due to Covid, many companies practice a no touching when interviewing policy.
Interviewing Tips:

Be consistent and honest with your interview answers. This includes your salary, when asked, be sure you relay the same salary information as what you confirmed with REP.
If you change your salary requirement midstream during the interview process this will not only be frustrating for the interviewer, but this may result in you not being considered for the opportunity.
If you have other opportunities in the pipeline, be sure to notify REP ahead of time and also the person interviewing you. This will create a sense of urgency and inform the person our client that they will need to make a decision soon.

Interviewing doesn’t have to be scary, it can be a lot of fun too! Be sure to relax, smile and know that based on your resume they are taking the time to meet with you personally. As long as you are prepared, you can walk into the interview with confidence!
How REP can help you through the process:
We will mention positions to you and discuss the positions you are interested in, thoroughly with you. We want you to have a clear understanding of the position, and we will provide you additional information that you can’t get from the limited information you would see on a job listing.
PRO-TIP: After interviewing it’s always a good idea to follow-up with the company you interviewed with, with a nice thank you email or card.